The Orlando Life

Okay this is a newbie blog but if you guys watched the Dis Unplugged you might recognize Oliver Green. Yes he started a Vlog. I have to confess I missed him on the Dis Unplugged. It was really nice to see him making his own Vlogs.

This Vlog feels like a video letter. In his vlogging I see the little things he would do when he was on the Dis. Lessons he learned to inform and entertain.

His partner Spencer really adds a nice touch. The partner dynamic really adds to the entertainment value. They’re two different personalities kind of mix well and there are many funny moments.

The next surprise is it true surprise Jenni Lynn also from the Dis Unplugged shows up here and there. I have to say I was really very happy about that because I really liked her. I noticed there wasn’t much of a what happened to her after she left the Dis. So it’s nice to see that Oliver has taken her into the fold and bringing her into these vlogs.

Oliver likes to change things up by also going to Universal. When you watch these gloves it will hit all the right places 1 entertaining 2 informative 3 has that repeat appeal.

As Oliver is taking you around you feel like you’re actually hanging out with him. He makes it an enjoyable visit to Disney World or sometimes Universal.

Ending this review I am here to say watch this Vlog. It will not be a waste of time. This is a 5 out of 5 Stars.

Footnote. I wanted to start this review side on a positive note. Honestly that won’t always be the case. I will be very honest.

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